Health and Fitness

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

An update and the beginning of blogging.. Again!

I haven't sat down and written an actual blog post in over a year! My goal is to start it up again and stick to it. (I will be posting over here on the new blog, and working on making it look better) I have recently decided this would be a good idea, because there are so many scary and exciting changes happening over here in Kramerville, so I am going to quickly fill ya'll in. 
Mike had a series of difficult interviews and at the end of them all, he landed the job! I am so very proud of him and am amazed by him every single day. He is so incredible, and brave. 

So while we are all very excited for this new job opportunity, we are also a little sad, because we will be moving all the way to California! We are excited, but it's a little hard to pick up and move. They want him to start very soon, on July 21st! So we have a lot to get done in only a few weeks. This includes finding somewhere to live! I am packing and sorting while Mike finishes his weeks at his current job, and then we are out of here! It's all happening so fast!! 

On top of the move, I am trying to find new doctors, and plan my birth and the arrival of our sweet baby, GIRL! It's true, I'M PREGNANT!
We are over the moon excited over here. She is very healthy and apparently she is very squished. I'm not sure if that means she is going to be tall like her daddy, or if I'm just too small for her to be comfortable, lol! But I can't stop looking at her sweet ultrasound picture. She is perfect and we love her already. 

We have been enjoying the summer as we do best, by camping and spending time together and with friends. We will miss going up the Canyon on the weekends, but I'm sure we'll find a new spot to explore near our new home in California.

We went to Moon Lake this last weekend and it was beautiful! This weekend we will be at a family reunion, and then two weeks after that, we will be in California, ready or not!
I had a fun birthday weekend, and got a new birthday present from Kramer, that is going to be even better in California! He didn't know we would be moving there when he bought it for me, and it made us laugh. He got really sick the day before my birthday though, bummer! We were going to go up to Idaho that day because it was also Father's Day! We didn't make it up there, but we still had a lot of fun here!

Anyway, there is the update! All the important things at least. I may not blog a lot in the next few weeks, as I am going to be very busy apartment hunting and packing. But as soon as I can, I will sit down and update everyone on what is happening. And maybe it'll be from a real computer and not my phone!  Hopefully this will be a good way to keep family up to date on our lives in California and a way for me to document the things that are happening in our little family.  We are going to miss everyone so much! So you all better come visit us!!!

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